


Māori immersion pathway


Maurua is the name given to the Māori immersion pathway at Ōpōtiki College. This unique learning environment fosters te reo and tikanga Māori while promoting Māori achieving success as Māori. Maurua emphasises on working relationships with local iwi, hapū, whānau and various organisations. The name Maurua is taken from a unique style of weaving belonging to Te Whakatōhea. Maurua is the interlacing of two strands synonymous to the whāriki traditional flax mat. In a metaphorical sense this combines two specific plaits one representing the dreams and aspirations of whānau, iwi and hapū and the second is our desire for tino rangatiratanga and mana motuhake.

Our Māori immersion pathway is made up of core values that are unique to our community and our iwi and hapū. Te reo Māori is the principal language of instruction and Maurua operates within a Kaupapa Māori framework(1). Our special character includes being strong in the practice and knowledge of te reo, tikanga and kawa Māori while being actively engaged with our Ringatu faith. Māori language, spirituality, attitudes and practices are fostered, enhancing each young person’s identification with their iwi, hapū and whānau.“Tohe nihorau, Tohe rauariki” represents identity, language and culture of Maurua learners and their whānau to strengthen belonging, engagement and achievement as Māori so they can actively participate in te ao Māori, Aotearoa and the wider world.


Te Reo and Tikanga Māori across Ōpōtiki College


Mā te kōrero ka mōhio, mā te mōhio ka mātau, mā te mātau ka mārama, mā te mārama ka ora. Communication is limited without understanding, understanding comes from learning, from learning comes enlightenment from enlightenment comes well being.

The Māori language is a taonga and an integral part of our national identity as New Zealanders. Te reo and tikanga Māori is nurtured throughout the College and is reflected in all our daily operations. All tauira at our College have the opportunity to learn te reo Māori and engage in tikanga practices. Maurua staff, tauira and whānau are “Kaitiaki” of te reo and tikanga Māori within the College. Our school is currently working on developing a te reo Māori strategic plan that is focused on implementing te reo initiatives within the college and promoting the growth of te reo among tauira and staff. Maurua will work towards providing a hub for te reo and tikanga Māori for all staff and tauira.

In Year 9/10 the College operates a Te Reo Rua (Bilingual) class which is based on a tuakana/teina philosophy where students who have come from Kura Kaupapa or Maori Immersion classes can continue to develop their Reo. The vision for this class is to be a place of matauranga (learning) where reo is valued, students nurture their reo and are confident to speak their reo. We are currently working towards building a bilingual pathway through the senior years.

All Te Reo students begin the week with karakia and in Kura-ki-Uta acknowledge the Ringatu faith and the significance of karakia to Te Whakatōhea.

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Seeka - OPAC DOBSONS REFRIGERATION & ELECTRICAL Elite Turkish Cafe ITM Opotiki Physio Studio - Opotiki Te Tāwharau o te Whakatōhea
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