Charter & Key Documents


Our Charter is our key planning document and the basis for all College activity. It sets out for the College, parents, families, whanau, and the wider community, what a board intends to achieve for its students and how it will do this. All schools must have a charter which is annually reviewed (Education Act, section 61).

Our Charter contains:

Our vision and mission statements
A Strategic Section (Plan) that outlines the Board of Trustees strategic aims for the next three to five years. It reflects what the Board is doing to make a difference for student achievement and progress, particularly for Maori and students with special education needs
An Annually Updated Section (Annual Plan) that identifies the Board of Trustees priorities for the coming year. It includes the Board’s actions to raise student progress, achievement and describes how the Board is giving effect to the National Education Guidelines, which include the National Administration Guidelines (NAGs), that the college must comply with.

Download our 2023 Annual Report

Annual Report & Statement of Variance 2023



Vision Statement: Connected learners, Confident Citizens

Ōpōtiki College is committed to providing a learning environment that enables students to develop into confident, connected individuals equipped with the qualifications and personal attributes that will enable them to contribute positively to their whanau, local community, Aotearoa and beyond.

A competent and connected individual is someone who:

  • Has a strong sense of cultural and personal identity
  • Builds respectful relationships
  • Acts responsibly
  • Demonstrates resilience and positive outlook to meet future challenges


School Motto


Te hinengaro te tohu

The mind makes the person



Strategic Intent: The Growth Model. The Board in consultation with the Principal, school staff and the school community has determined there are six (6) key objectives that will contribute to the overall growth/development of the College over the next five years to increase student’s educational success and success as Maori.

This framework then provides the foundations for the school to Set Annual achievement target and annual plans.

Clear Vision: Shared and understood by the school community

Connected Community: Respectful and purposeful relationships
‘Coast by Nature Curriculum’: Connected to mana whenua, mana tangata and global gateways
Highly effective practitioners: The best staff possible
Well Managed Learning Environment
Evidence based decisions to inform planning and future directions which contains our Strategic and Annual Plan 2017-2023.  Updated each year with the Ministry of Education and the Annually Updated Section (Annual Plan).

Download our Charter 

Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

Seeka - OPAC DOBSONS REFRIGERATION & ELECTRICAL Elite Turkish Cafe ITM Opotiki Physio Studio - Opotiki Te Tāwharau o te Whakatōhea
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