Ōpōtiki College
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Nau mai, haere mai ki te paetukutuku o Te Kāreti o Ōpōtiki.
We are a College with a proud history. We have learnt so much as a school community from the impacts of COVID and we are excited by the new initiatives that our school will pursue in the near future. The rebuild for our new school starts in 2023.
As a College we work in close partnership with our local iwi, Te Whakatōhea. We take pride in knowing that we are a whānau and community driven school. Academic achievement, vocational pathways, growing leadership capabilities and students’ wellbeing are at the forefront of all that we do. We provide students with learning opportunities which empowers them to gain new knowledge and to be solution focused in an authentic environment. Student wellbeing and care is at the heart of all pastoral decisions. Their social, emotional and health needs are met through some deep understanding that our rangatahi of today face significant challenges.
We strive for our students to be “Connected Learners, Confident Citizens: Tohenihorau, Toherauariki”. We are committed to grow a strong sense of cultural and personal identity within our students and to uphold values of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience: Me Māhaki, Me Ngākau Titikaha, Me Tohetoa.
Respect for others begins with respect for oneself. Taking responsibility for one’s own learning helps to grow independent learners. We support students to be resilient and to find ways to rise above adversities. Staff at Ōpōtiki College are dedicated professionals who will go the extra mile to support students learning and success.
When you come to Ōpōtiki College you will join a whānau who is supportive and will share values that will help you to succeed in education in the 21st century and to thrive beyond the school gates.
Mrs Terehia Channings
Ōpōtiki College
21 Feb 2025
Kia ora,
Please see attached the 2025 Stationery Lists.
Junior Students are able to purchase stationery packs from Paper Plus Ōpōtiki.
Senior students need to wait until Thursday, 30th January (first day back) to receive their timetables. Using the timetable and stationery list you can then match the corresponding subject code to the required stationery.
Ngā mihi nui,
Kia ora and Happy New Year !
Please see attached the 2025 Start Up Information for Ōpōtiki College.
Please note that Ōpōtiki College has a new bank account, details as follows. Please update your automatic payments. Ngā mihi.
Account name: Ōpōtiki College
Particulars: First Name
Code: Last Name
Reference: The event/item/automatic payment.
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